The Stink

The worst part about this mysterious infection are the horrible body odours that come with it. I'm talking full on rotting corpse to acetone to fish market....gross. So gross I often can't to be around myself. 

Apparently bacteria and the related diseases have their signature scent and for quite some time the scent of corpses made me wonder if I was dying or at the very least rotting on the inside. This has been going on for several years now. 

For years no deodorant could take away nor soapy shower.  It was seemingly coming from deep inside me. The international cystitis-like pains and constipation were likely symptoms of something living deep inside me, hiding in the secret spaces in between. 

I imagine what the air around the zombies might smell like - if they were real. It sure felt like this mysterious illness was making me feel like a rotting, moldy-brained zombie at times. 

One of the most striking things about using the antibiotic herbs is the change in body odour that comes with it. At first, all the stink goes into overdrive as it begins to come out of me. Horrible rotting, disgustingly sweet smelling night sweats, we need not get into the skunky pees or unholiness of the bowel movements. 

The vag smells were at times infuriating. Nobody seems to talk about the gynecological effects of a systemic bacterial infection. Nobody mentions the fact that it doesn't matter what you do to help your vagina, if you have a systemic infection, and if your partner is infected too, your vag doesn't stand a chance. 

One thing I did learn though is that by sewing a thread through a clove of garlic, you can make a handy bacterial killing vaginal suppository which affects your entire body. You will actually get fierce garlic breath and have body odour like caesar salad dressing from doing this! It can be left for 2-3 days and it does a fine job locally and can support other efforts. If you have bacteria all throughout your body though, it may not be strong enough on its own. You'll need to bring in the big guns. 

Now that I'm killing everything off, the tides are turning on the smells coming out of me. Little by little my clogged intestines, lymph nodes and vascular organs are clearing up. 

The scent of disease: volatile organic compounds of the human body related to disease and disorder. Mika Shirasu, Nazis huge Tours. The Journal of Biochemistry, Volume 150, Issue 3, September 2011, Pages 257–266,, 19 July 2011


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